How long? Five years and this is what we get? A half done game?
Nevermind, AoC look good when you read about it on the box and look at trailers. The problem is, you will not enjoy it when you play the game... it's not there yet...
Mature game it say, sure it's a lot of blood and brutal action... and yes guys you can now see Females boobies... yay... or not. Nothing special.
Quests are boring. Clothing are ugly, weapons are the same. Nothing is cool or special... its so boring I'm about to sleep. Nothing wakes me up...
PvP is not working, Quests and so on and so on...
The first area that you enter is also boring and have no life. Bad for a game if they like to keep players. Going over to nighttime makes the game even more empty and boring............
UI is bad.
Chat is also bad.
There are not fun emotes... after five years and nothing here... hello Funcom?
Game is very very bad and I don't think they are going to fix it. Funcom you failed. Like the Stormtroopers say... move along!
Age Of Conan: 2 Points of 10