This is the funnest MMORPG i've ever played, i played WoW for 4 years but when this came out it i got over it

User Rating: 10 | Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures PC
The Good
This game may have some hefty requirments but the game looks amazing on all high settings. The combat system is really fun. Theres voice acting for the quests and they are really good. It's rated M so all the immature kids arn't there like WoW. The fatalitys are the icing on the cake in this game. There is decapitations, electricutions, blood gushing out of your throat and more. Theres no little fairy creatures like elves in this game and theres a story to why your questing around endlessly. The character creations are more advanced like tattoos and battle scars like bear claws and tiger claws. You don't need to alt-tab to look at a website for questing since theres markers on the map and minimap. The combos make the game alot more interesting and funner. You can sprint in this game which makes it alot faster gameplay. You level alot faster than in wow but for some thats a bad thing but i think it's a good thing.

The Bad
Technical issues may be a problem like grey all around the minimap when theres an update on the loading screens. The loading screens are fairly long if you have less than 2g of ram.