Good graphics and good combat don't make up for this lack luster MMOs technical faults.
For starters the game install size was 32GB+ this is one of the biggest games I have ever installed on my PC. Second thing that bugged me about this game was even though my computer was well above the recommended requirements I still suffered from horrible lag that made the game unplayable, I had to turn the graphics down the the bare minimum just to play.
Now for something a bit more positive about the game, the story was well written and resembled the world of Conan very well. The combat system was also really well done. Instead of your standard auto-attack you actually had to string together different moves to form combos, this made combat way more enjoyable.
The community for AoC was pretty nice, the time I spent playing the game I rarely ever saw people arguing over the world chat. Now for the last thing that made me dislike this game even more was the quest logger, you could only have one quest displayed on screen at a time, AoC is the only game I know that does this, WoW and LoTR allow you to have 6+ on the screen. Because of this questing moved very slowly, which was something I didn't like at all.
All in all this game was ok for a quick MMORPG play period. Lots of technical issues and dumb choices went into making this game. I probably won't play this one ever again, but if you are into Conan and somewhat unique MMOs, check it out.