The best MMORPG I have played!
Gameplay: 9/10
Combat System: 9/10
Quests: 7/10
Story: 9/10
The game really impressed me from all the videos, that I have watched throughout the whole internet including official trailers and fan made videos in youtube, and I loved the game since those videos and still love it.
The graphics really are great and almost perfect (I play on everything MAX without any lag ( fps ~60 ), there are some bugs, but those are really not so huge, to worry about). I really love the massive outdoor areas with huge space of walkable area and for addition to that I would like to add, that the areas feel really alive, and there aren't so many empty spaces out there like in other MMOs, and a huge attention is on detail of the land, very beautiful scenery and good for screen shots :)
The gameplay is very great with mixing the new and in my opinion very good and not boring combat system, where you can smash multiple opponents with a swing of a sword or a hammer, not to mention great combat skill ending moves, where the heroe cuts arms, heads, smashes skulls etc... the game really isn't for wimps and young kids because of very high blood and gore content!
Combat system maybe could be better, but I like it as it is now and I really enjoy every minute of combat, because you can't lose focus on fighting (playing now as a Guardian ( best tank class with most xp and medium damage output) . You really need to think about what skill or combo to use first, second and so on, to kill the opponent the fastest way, because slashing, cutting and stabbing will make the killing more than twice as long as using skills. The guardian does not have any magic, so all focus goes on stamina and stamina drain, where you need to think about how much you can spend it on jogging around the map and leaving some for combat, if necessary for bailing out (although it is almost impossible to flee, after monster sees you and begins to attack you). The AI is very good and I love it... wolves attack rabbits and other small creatures and eat them, if you have a horde of monsters chasing you, there is always an option to run to the nearest city guards and they will attack the hostile mobs, not just stand and watch how you die!
The first quests Tortuga (up to lvl ~20) have voice recordings, afterward many don't, and some do... but that does not make quests boring, because there are a very huge variety of quests including the all known quests of slaying particular monsters, gathering pelts or other ingredients, fetching metal bars for blacksmith, killing pirates and so on, very huge list of things, that you can do! And many of quests ( depending on difficulty of quest ) give huge amounts of experience, so you will level up faster doing quests, rather than ignoring than and killing monsters nonstop.
As I advance in my skills, I can get the chance to know more about the world, where Conan rules, and as a fan of serial/movie of Conan, I really love it, how they made it as it is, not to mention, that my favorite genere of games is RPG, and MMORPG is even better... and that they made a game about the series of Conan in such quality is super!
If you are bored with MMORPG games, where you need to click a monster and then wait until he dies, you will not regret of getting this game! Although I have heard complains from players, that made a Necromancer character, where they say, that they get bored, because they can kill packs of monsters with ease by help of several minions, that a Necromancer can spawn! And after combat, sometimes you can really get tired of it and maybe start wanting just to sit around doing nothing, talking to people, because combats are really intense, when it comes to several mob fights (1 vs 3-5 your level monsters)