Age of Conan is hammering the competition...
Character creation options are quite good, although they could have made it even more complex by adding more races for example.
The best thing about character creation are the four classes the player can choose from, each with it's unique styles of fighting: mage, priest, rogue and soldier.
Each of these classes has three archetypes.
After character creation the quest line opens and the show starts: many quests, lots of enemies and awesome world design t. As I progressed the game looked better with each moment i was playing and by the time I have reached level 20, the quest line became even more interesting with brand new areas (Khemi, Wildlands of Zelata, Conall's Valley, The Field of the Dead, Lacheish Plains, Old Tarantia, etc. for players to explore and quests to solve.
In a team oriented play with quest sharing, the quest line isn't that challenging...just a walk in the park, even so the quests are very well designed making me almost unable to stop playing awesome….
But the game makes up for this with its innovative game play features having the superbly designed COMBAT SYSTEM at its core; mounted combat is fun to play, and there are some nice armors and weapons too. The graphics and sound comes to help awesome looking NPS's, beautifully designed landscape, fighting scenes superb design for the cities in the game; sound options are unique for the gaming industry.
There are crafting options available that really come in help: weaponsmith, armorsmith, alchemist, architect,gemcutter.
Age of Conan is a very solid game that makes the difference.