I fight with a controler..Combos coudent be easyer..Its just my stile..and i'll tell you how i did it.
Im not going to compare apples to oranges here k. these 2 games are completely diffrenet. The basic interface functions the same but the overall look and feel is different. In my honest opinion this game needs some work. They have to balance out the characterts a little better. My necromancers a panzie . I cant take on more then 2 guys my lvl but a barbarion can smash like 4 . The pet i have for my demologyst character.. whos a succabus looking gall..she does barely anything. very little damage..all she's good for is the mana buff. And posably looking at here bagebaz . there very nice.!
Now that i got my fustrations out let me try and tell you what this game brings to the table and does it well...I would suggest you start out as a barbarion just to give you a feel for what the game is and how to control your characters combo system and fatality system.
The game has a very dark feel to it , giveing you the sence that your in a dangerous enviorment were anything can happen. Your first mission makes you really feel like your in a mature game when the girl you save hints that she's going to " Reward you ". (BTW..i searched the hole freakin town trying to find her so i could smash her ..but WTF..i couldent find here anywware..such a piss of) any hoo. As your character lvls so does your spells/combos and also Skill points get rewarded to you. The skill point are able to be put onto 4 different categories. Very similar to another MMO i know of, wich is fine ..it works. The fighting mechanics are something that your going to have to get used to so i've written below a method that im useing that may help those who dont like to use the keyboard and would rather use a mouse and controler.( details at Bottom of page). You find that the combo sytem is mainly about timeing ..waiting for your apponent to have just a smidge of life left before you lob his head off. Dismembarments are fun and cool to watch. There so many of them. you'll find different ones for duel wielders then there are for single wielders but it all give the same reaction. The questing can get tedios at times . sending you from one end of the camp just to come running all the way back again. Howerver there were tons that really got me interested and had a deep well thought out plot to it. The fact that the NPC actualy verbolize to you realy gives you a sence that they are talking to you and that installs a real need to finish the quest.
Some quest have many layers and as you peel them back you reveal something even more intreaging. The choices that your character can make when replying to NPC gives you a sence that hes a cunning ,smart mouth that wont be pushed around. The graphics are great. it looks and feels like a dangerous world and they did an amazing job really makeing you feel like your in the age of Conan.
Overall opinion.
If your an old warcraft vet like myself then you my find it hard at times to really get into it. but once you start to get your character around lvl 15 , thats when you start to feel more powerfull and really start to enjoy the game. The begginging is kinda slow but the direction it heads you in really sparked my interest. I plan on keeping my subvscription to both AOC and WOW. I'll be playing mainly AOC .
I find that this is more intuative for me when performing combos or fatalitys.
Downlaod the lates Switchblade program and update it.
Now i use my Xbox360 controler it seems to work fine for me. After installing the program your setup wil be for the World of warcraft and the class will be Basic. Now run your game you will notice that your right analog stick controls your mouses movment and that your Right and left Buttons RB/ LB are your right and left mouse clicks. If you hold them both down your character will run..If you hold the Down button on the d-pad your character will sprint .from this point you can set your X,Y.B,A buttons for your combos and then re-arrange them later for when more functions arrive. when im just patroling the city looking for quests , i just use the controller same with when im just grinding for lvls.When im trying to kill a named then i'll make sure i have my right hand on the mouse. This is just the way i play and i hope others will fine it helpfull.