A sorely lack of enhancements and a sprung of new bugs mar this 'remake' of the all-time legendary classic
If you're a 90's kid, you've most definitely played Age of Empires II. Hell, it ruined my primary school grades and managed to nearly fck up my chances to getting into a good high school (not to mention killing my eyes - yes, I wear glasses now thanks that it). When Hidden Path (cs:go anyone?) announced an HD version of the game, I was thrilled. Yes! HD graphics and sound! Perhaps more missions and maps! More visual options and optimized for modern hardware! Can finally play this baby in 1080p! Hooray...?
The sad thing is AoEIIHD is no more than a desperate cash-grab by Microsoft. It's essentially just a large, patched-version of AoEII with HD updates to many of the game's units and terrain but ultimately, fall short of an entire HD update. The video options screen is reduced to nothing more than a few measley options, LAN is removed completely and the User Interface remains the same - blurry, poorly and lacking anything HD. No new missions or maps are included. Sure it looks better and the resolution now suits modern hardware (1080p, yep, go rock it out) with sounds also enhanced to high def levels. But AoEIIHD could've been something more. How about cutscenes in between missions? A moving background for the menu? A better, sexier, slicker UI?
Nothing. The UI remains unchanged and pretty much retains its low-res self from the older self. And, well...its pretty much AoE2 SD version now playable on modern PCs. To make matters worse, framerate issues and stuttering as well as crashes and bugs (over the 4 years of being an AOE2 freak, I have NEVER encountered a bug before. But today, it reared its head after this release) occur, a completely new dilemma which ironically defeats the purpose of this release. Oh, the horror. Oh, how we have all been robbed of $20. But wait, you say! There's Steam Achievements! Seriously, go kill yourself. Achievements are for overweight teenage fools who live at home with their 360, not for sophisticated PC gamers like ourselves.
Better Than: Age of Empires
On Par With: Having your money stolen by Microsoft
Worst Than: An actual, well-made Age of Empires II HD remake.
Verdict: 51%
Age of Empires II HD is a disappointing 'enhancement version' of the all-time legendary classic. It felt like a rush-job with the intention of grabbing as much preorder cash from nostalgic-wanting fans for its measley efforts. A full-time developer could've worked wonders to enhance the experience with more missions and perhaps actual cutscenes for the campaign levels as well as optimizing the game fully while going all out with a HD makeover. Instead, what we get a cheap, poorly executed updated version of a $4 game which is asking for five times that. Just grab your old AoE2 discs and mod it. Same result, completely free.
(I am an ex-AoE freak and veteran who has invested in hundreds of hours in the franchise since the original instalment and up until the recent mediocre AoE: Online. Please do NOT buy this game on Steam. You'll be throwing your money away. If you crave AoE nostalgic action, play AoE: Online or mod your old AoE games)