Never ever there will be an epic game like AOE II The Online Mode is priceless and off course free
The AOE III just cant compare to this piece of masterpiece, no Age of Mitologies maybe the most accurate try to compare with it. But no one can beat the The AOE II Ps2 version.
And I hope in the future in the future there will be in PS3, when all we can play backup games in this console, a new improved version of AOE II with more options and online kicking a55 gaming , cause Im a big online fan of ps2 cause all the games are free to play, and I must have to say thank you SONY you guys rocked out our world with your technology, and I hope Ps4 will be the best console in the future, cause you know the formula Ps4=Ps2 thats all!
and ps3 must keep all original stuff!
keep it going and thank you to all for this amazing game!
PD: I highly recommend use the hotkeys to play this game, its easier to play so