Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings, THE GAME THAT GOT ME HOOKED

User Rating: 9.5 | Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings PC
This was the first real computer game i got into and really played (aside from lego racers and all of the other lego games of my childehood). It was so excellent that i immediately fell in love with the series and concequently went and the first Age of Empires and its expansion, and then was soon eagerly awaiting the release of its excellent predecessor Age of Mythology.
Age of Empires II is more or less what all RTS games fallowing it were based on (with a few acceptions like starcraft and warcraft 3, which were unique in theyre own right).

I cannot say enough about this game, and if i say any more, i will be at serious risk of sounding like a game touting fan boy......... Oh wait, maybe its to late. lol. So i will just end with this. Any body who enjoys RTS, or just has good taste in games should buy this game. Its cheep, i bought my brother a copy of it and its expansion AOEII: The Conquerers, plus the first AOE and its expansion for $10 at target. GET IT, for histories sake.
