Makes Runescape look like a piece of crap.

User Rating: 9.3 | Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings PC
Who cannot love AOE? Seriously? This is probly the 2nd best selling RTS series. (1st is C & C) but this is set in the 1800's, while C & C is set in 2100's or so. In AOE u can creat a map, and then play it, online gaming and story mode. Who can resist destroying the french when you're a frekin mongol with 6 war elephants and Atila the Hun? I couldnt. This is as satisfying as lying on the grass, naked and its 90 degrees outside.... Except this isnt as relaxing. Non-stop action this is. It is so fun and it makes you think more than C & C would. Well i should wrap this review up, because i have to go take a crap on my niegbors lawn then run off laughing knowing that i am so bad, then go and play this game..... muahahahah