Ever want to be a king, destroy nations explore a world full of mysteries and the natives might be your friends or foes?
Big Boats and Bigger Battles are only two out of a million reasons you need to get age of empires in your collection, it will bring you lots of fun and anger, well, if you're as bad as i am at RTS games, hehehe, i am bad at them, but i sure as hell love em'.
Yeah, sounds great eh? perfect even? well, there is one single flaw to this game package... and it's not the game play... THEY PUT OUT ASIAN DYNASTIES AFTER THIS WAS RELEASED! what the hell! Asian dynasties? are you serious? who the hell would like to have that put out of the gold edition? in my personal opinion i would have waited and put the 3 into the package, its not exactly a "Gold" edition, more like a silver... hey... that's pretty good, hum, well yeah, buy it, nuff' said.
And that's why i think that AOE: Gold Edition for PC Deserves a respectful 9.5 out of 10.