Probably the best RTS game ever created. Awesome graphics, amazing gameplay!!!!!

User Rating: 9.8 | Age of Empires III PC
Age of Empires III really sets the bar for all Real Time Strategy games. There are so many units and new features available in AOE III versus it predecessors. Some of these include trade routes, Home Cities, and Explorers.
The gameplay in AOE III is the best in any RTS game ever created. The new features in the game just heighten the all ready soaring reputation of the Age of Empires series. The trade routes available in the game allow you to build trading posts at certain points along the route. They then generate coin, wood, food, or xp for as long as you hold that post. The xp in the game allows you to up your main level in multiplayer, and allows you to get shipments from your home city. Your home city basically constitutes a general city from the nation you are playing. When you have shipments available, you can send them from the deck you are playing in the game. Decks are made of shipment cards. Whenever you go up a level, you can choose a new shipment card. Your explorer is an unkillable unit. He goes around and can(guess what) explore the terrain. He has higher attack stats than other musketeer units, and has some special powers. Your explorer though, can be knocked unconscious when his health points are gone. He then begins to regenerate them while unconscious. You can send any other units to go near him, and he will be back in action.
The graphics in AOE III are amazing. From seeing the smoke trails of individual cannon balls, to seeing the trails of ships in the water; the graphics in AOE III are the best in any RTS to surface yet. When cannon balls slam into buildings, you can see parts of the building explode and fall away, leaving gaps in the walls and ceiling. The same with ships when they are hit. You can also see individual blades of grass swaying in the wind as well as the trees. Overall, the graphics will leave you out of breath as you take in their full scope.
The sound in AOE III is pretty good. There are several theme songs that play in the backround while you play. The environment sounds are also really good. The sounds of battle will make you think you are on the actual battlefield. The music however, after about and hour of gameplay does start to get boring. You may just find yourself listening to your own music after an hour.
Overall, Age of Empires III is a really good game. From the spectacular gameplay, to the mind-boggling graphics and sound, AOE III is really the best real time strategy this year to buy. The replay value is endless due to the randomized terrain. You will certainly find yourself staying up until 1:00am playing. AOE III is just an awesome game that no RTS player should go without.