AOE3 - Waste of time
All these new RTS have a really bad camera that is zoomed in way to close, e.g. Warhammer 40k...
What's the point in using 1024x768 resolution when u play these new RTS and it looks disgustingly close like 800x600 or less.
With 1 whole screen on AOE3 (1024x768) i could see a mill, a few houses, and 2 more buildings. The most annoying thing to me, is not being able to see my own base in 1 screen, letalone needing 2-3 screens to amass a "regular" assualt. The old AOE's were good because you had a big filed of view and more aware of whats going on, instead of being forced 2 read the minimap so often
The singleplayer campaign was so badly written and acted, that it made me skip them.. and the audio seems to come out at the wrong time, and delays the game further. The game even crashed when the audio never materialized.
I must say the graphics in this game are exceeding in todays standards of graphical level, but there is something about the colour scheme or the lighting that tends to make it look worse than it should be.
Do not buy this game, you will be ashamed to own it, big waste of money, I would have more fun going waterskiing or go karting for an hour, or even going back to AOE2 or AoM to remind me what a good RTS is like