Its the next "age" in the saga and Ensambles "empire" is on top form!

User Rating: 8.7 | Age of Empires III PC
Age of empires 3, what can i say. 1 and 2 where pretty damn good and living up to its predecesors should have been a hard task, but for the team at ensamble it was just another day at work, literally. In age of empires 2 we just had that freedom to travel, fight and destroy with a pety army which just roam around killing any enemy in sight in an all for all masacar, and that was good, pure fun in RTS style. But Age of Empires 3 is an all new type of RTS, in the world we live in now we expect top noch graphics that only work on top of the range PC's
and age of empires 3 delivers, apart from the good fact that it will or should work on any PC that can play Age of Mythology (the sucessful sipn off of age of empires) The gameplay might seem a little overtop at first glance after being an aoe2 fan for 5 years and will take getting used to, but thats the fun of it a new age a new game a new learning curve, from battleing formations to how a villager should chop a tree.
AOE 3 introduces the conquest of the european empire with all new weapons and units to use.
Over all this game will be as sucessful as AOE1-2 and we all look forward to AOE 4.