missing the most important in the game - interest - the campain is so boring! Dissapointing!

User Rating: 5.2 | Age of Empires III PC
disapointing game , it lacks in gameplay , brilliant graphics though - Dissapointing , fans of age of empires will love it though the name does not make it brilliant! This is one failed though graphics are not bad!!!

Age of empires games keep repeating on and on and on!!!

Age of empires 1 - Original
Age of empires 2 -repetitive
Age of empires 3 - S.O.S (Same old story)

Conclution - Fun at begining but soon gets repetitive! Better luck next time , and by the way if you want to try this one out - wait till it's on bargain! invest your money in a better game!

N.B - Age of empires fans will have limited fun in this game , and the campain is unbelivable when you select easy even a 2 year old will pass it and hard - oh man you must be kidding you must continue playing for at least 3 times - unless you are a pro!