Finally got it right!! Its not just another clickfest like AOE or AOE2
I was so unbelievably let down by AOE 2 that I swore not to buy this one, but I'm certainly glad I did. It is nothing like the first two, and you dont have to fight the game to play it. I really enjoy the RPG like aspect of the game, the battles are far more controllable than in previous versions, and you know what, its fun! The grpahics are far more than adequate, the controls are intuitive, and you can just really pick it up and play. The inclusion of real world empires like the Ottomans, etc, gives you a sense of immersion and time. The previous iteratrions, you built your castle and had all of the AI factions asssaulting it at one time. Not in this game. I'm proud of Microsoft for not giving up on the franchise and finally puttng out an enjoyable AOE game.