is a great game , but the frame rate slows down amazingly...

User Rating: 9.1 | Age of Empires III PC
At the beginning it was a great game, i've 1GB of memory, a Pentium D 2.8 and an Intel Graphics Accelerator with 128 MB ...

I think is enough for running the game without troubles , but when 2 ships are fighting the game suddenly slows down , i've tried put the setting at the minimum , but is useless , i don't know if it's normal, despite this , the game is very good , and i love it....

Is true that the game doesn't have a lot of options to choose, but think is the first game with this kind of game-play (because isn+t the same that AOE III) i hope the expansion pack for this game will be better, with more option to choose, new game-types , etc

About the game speed's decreasing , if it's the game's fault i hope there'll be a patch in order to fix it, thats all GS asks me for at least 100 words and i dont know what else to write....see ya