Age of Empires III doesn't do much new to the genre; however, that doesn't stop it from being a fantastic game.

User Rating: 8.8 | Age of Empires III PC
Age of Empires III takes place during the colonization of North America...

GAMEPLAY: For times sake, I'm gonna assume you know how an RTS like this works: build cities, gain a population, gather resources, and conquer others with an assembled army. That's about it; only in a North American Colonization setting. First off, I love the setting. I think it's a great background for an RTS game and it works well, because it gives the excuse for what an RTS is about: building an empire and the conflicts over territory that result. Second, the main campaign actually has a story line (for the first time in the series, apart from Age of Mythology) that takes place through about three generations in the Black family, a related line of adventurers in The New World. It's not terribly compelling, but then again, I never found RTS stories that interesting; it does, however, do its job in moving the game forward and in creating different scenarios. Finally, what sets the game apart from the rest of the series and RTSs alike, the game introduces the Home City feature. The Home City, with using various types of 'cards' unlocked through experience, can ship many many different forms of help, whether it be a needed natural resource, a new technology, or a shipment of men for your army. Players can also slightly customize and enhance their city to meet their needs. In the end this feature does add some new life to RTSs and can really affect gameplay in certain situations.

Overall, gameplay-wise, Age of Empires III doesn't do a lot much different, but it was still a load of fun for the few weeks or so that it lasted.

GRAPHICS: The visuals are by far the best quality of Age of Empires III; from the dynamic lighting and shadows to some of the best water effects ever produced in a game, AoE III is loaded with eye candy. The only fault is some laggy framerate issues here and there, but that didn't bother me much, do to years of previously playing on a lower grade PC. If you've got the specs, this game sure is a treat visually.

SOUND: From the ambiance to the musical score, AoE III more than does its job. The sound effects are for the most part well done, and the musical score is well composed and definately fits the setting.

VALUE: Fans should blow through the campaign in less than a few weeks or so, but the squirmish mode's many features and the decent multiplayer experience should pack on enough hours for the game to pay for itself.

- Sometimes laggy framerate
- Not much that different from the others in the series except for the
Home City feature

BOTTOM LINE: If you're familiar with Age of Empires then there's a good chance you won't be disappointed with what part III has to offer. Otherwise:
Age of Empires III doesn't do much that's different to the genre; however, that doesn't stop it from being a very, very enjoyable game.