a let down
you see AOE2 was on of the first games i ever played and i loved it, the movment and the whole build your own town thing was cool so when i found out the DS version had taken a way most of those things i was shattered, you can only build town right next to town halls so you end up with a cramped little honey comb of building untill you explore and find other bases.. this is as the enemy attacks you through the same route.....over and over.
you see unlike Advanced wars AOE2 has 1 point ina map where your units with block up and will stay like that untill one of you gives, as far as ranged untis go there is much and not many ways to sneak around the back of the battle or anything tactical because if you do that you wont have enough units to replace the ones getting killed and you lose the battle, while the hero untis are cool the money system and the "throw your units to a wall and see who gets through" way of fighting really dosent feel like the orignal.
while the single campaing is ok the multiplayer aspect is the only way you'll have fun, find a friend or someone who is willing to waste 20mins to stand there clicking archers and carvlery to attack you foot soilders only to have them replaced again and again. if in doubt go get advanced wars duel strike its more fun has more tactics and is worthy of its franchise...
this on the other hand is why i fell asleep in history