If you like Age of Mythology then the expansion pack should entertain you.
User Rating: 8 | Age of Mythology: The Titans PC
The Titans expansion picks up right where critically acclaimed Age of Mythology left off. Arkantos has ascended to Godhood and his son Kastor is now on a quest to rebuild Atlantis. This expansion adds a new faction complete with its own set of gods. This newest batch of gods is not surprisingly the Titans. The game is basically the same with few small additions to the gameplay. First and foremost is of course the new Atlantis faction and secondly is the abilty to construct a Titan Gate. Once completed this allows to release a Titan onto the battlefield and use it to destroy your foes. This however is one of the faults in online matches. All matches basically become a race to build the Titan Gate first and get the jump on your opponent. Overall the game stays true to its roots and is still great play although doesn't get the must play status of its predecessor. 8.0/10