A unique RTS game that PC owners should check out.
Age of Mythology is a game based on the time back in mythology, Roman and Greek empires. Not only is the setting different but its a lot different from the previous game Age of Empires 2. Like now you can have mythical units, new buildings, better graphics, a great campaign and great online play. There's lots of other new features to the game but there's to many to say....(lol). The campaign is great were you follow the story of Arkantos, a hero from Atlantes as he seeks to gain favor from the gods Poseidon and Zeus. The story is actually very good with an interesting plot with a few twists and the voice actors are great supported by interesting dialogue. The campaign is pretty lengthy compared to Age of Empires 2's campaign which was broken up into different hero's stories, however on that game the campaign wasn't very good. There's about 34 levels or something i think and is about 8 hours long so it's a decent length. The onlnie multilayer is good but nobody really plays it now, i had a go and got into a few games were lots of people customize and create there own maps and game types, a lot of them and very clever and fun.
Age of Mythology is a fantastic RTS game that PC owners should check out today, while it's old now and does show age at points, its still game worth buying for about £5.00 which its probably at now.