This game will have you coming back again, and again, and again, and again...
In the Titans Campain, you play as Kastor, son of Arkantos, while he tries to rebuilt Atlantis. But when unexpected help comes, Kastor finds that his actions will have consequences that will affect the rest of the world.
The Skrimish is also very origonal. It combinds the loved aspects of the AoE games, but adds a couple twists. 1st, Mythological Units. Built an army of centaurs, Cyclops, Anabunites, and Giants. 2nd, Major and Minor gods. Each civ. has its own Major and Minor gods, each with its own abilitys to upgrade your units. 3rd Hero Units. Heros are special units that get a combat advantage against Myth Units.
There are 4 civ's. Greeks, Egyptian, Norse, and Atlantian. Each Civ has its own distinct advantages and disadventages. (ie: Norse infintry can build buildings while Egyptian units build with Gold instead of wood.)
Overall this is a wonderful game. Filled with twists and suprises. The only thing i dislike about it is that the Titan's campain is too short. For that i will rate this a 9.5/10