Age of Mythology is a great game.It is a a game developed by Microsoft and it delivers everything you could expect from a real RTS game.The game looks great and even with today's standards it looks good.The game focuses on the same things as Age of Empires I and II.You must build houses and buildings to recruit soldiers to destroy the opposition.This game also features a beautiful singleplayer career which will take you about 30 hours to complete.You will have to lead an Atlantian,Arkantos,through many difficult moments,and you will travel through three main parts of the world:Greece,Egypt and the North.Through this amazing campaign you will fight many mythological creatures and will play through many historical events.Besides the solo campaign the multiplayer is also very good.The LAN version is the best and the frame rate is very steady.The gameplay is very good,many AoE fans will be very familiar with the controls and they are also very easy to learn and to remember.The sounds are very good,there is plenty of voice acting and even if the animations arent's over the edge they still introduce you to the atmosphere in the game. I would recommend this game to everyone out there and it is a must have for all RTS fans.
Calling Age of Mythology anything but great, would be an insult to gaming. This game is just brilliant in every respect and a true RTS. Yet another milestone in RTS gaming by Ensemble Studios, who've made quite a big nam... Read Full Review
The Campaign (single player mode) on this game is only a small part of it, I enjoy the online experience (which is of course free) 10 times more than I do the Campaign mode. But anyways lets first talk about the Campaign... Read Full Review