JUST PLAIN AWSOME!!! The Best Online Multiplayer.
User Rating: 10 | Age of Mythology PC
This game Age Of Mythology was i game i didnt plan to buy i just did . One of the best decisions i have made this game has good a good story line along with a awesome multiplayer making this one of the best games ive played. This is one of those games you can play for hours and still not get bored, especially the multiplayer made me addicted. There are several ways to play online against others making it even more fun, and maps you can download from other people. The new maps are what made the game even funner, trying new kinds of games and maps. In the online there are different types of the kinds of game play like death match, lighting, conquest and so on. All of them having good points of them making the game last me hours . The story was really fun like every other story line they are all good usually. This game i would for surely recommend to anyone who enjoys strategy games along with medieval type games.