This is an obvious take off on Sid Meier's Pirate's with the storyboard of Captain Blood
For anyone who has played the latest version of Pirates, the entire look and feel of this game is that of Pirates with better graphics and the promise of more detail and complexity.
Whoever designed this game or gave final approval of it to be released should be fired. This game has a first person shooter fanaticism reminiscent of the old Space Invaders game. So much so, that the player is forced into a seemingly endless loop of having his ship attacked by more and more difficult pursuers. Even if you're a more skillful sailor and can outrun the pursuers, you're ultimately forced back to the beginning of the pursuit to start all over again.
I rated it very hard because "impossible to make work properly" was not a choice nor were a few other choice comments I could have made after struggling with it for hours before realizing the game was just messed up.
In other words, there is no spacial or temporal continuity in the game, in or out of combat, once you're at sea. That is one of the nice things about Sid Meier's Pirates, if you want to just go sailing and go somewhere, you can ... and will get there ... with a relative sense of time and space. Not so with this game.
This is a major flaw. No. It's a fatal flaw if it isn't quickly corrected with a patch in the very near future.
Basically, if you're going to steal someone's game, don't screw up the very thing that made it popular in the first place.