Unfished game, full of disappointment and wired thing, such as rats that eats gun powder

User Rating: 2 | Age of Pirates 2: City of Abandoned Ships PC
At first i used more then 3 hours to find out how to start the game as Blood, then i found out everything i have on my ship will be eating by rats in no time, including gun powders and weapons. The music and "double time" are from Sea dogs 1, the character movement are from Sea dogs 2 pirates of caribbean, and locations, combat system and ships are from Age of pirates caribbean tales, sea dogs 3, mix all of those and add some wired thing you got this game. it shouldn't be hard to make a RPG game about pirates and it should be fun too, but somehow they managed to make it sucks. the control is confusing and not enought trailer at the start of the game. The trading is hard to. The game feels like a total mixed of previous games and is maded very fast without, then published even though the game is unfished. I only played it because I like pirates and sailing games.