Age of Pirates is the only pirate game that does not have the whole map of the Caribbean. But I need to say the hand to hand fighting is miles better in age of pirates than Sid Meir's Pirates (new version) only because with Sid Meir's pirates you are 100% guaranteed of winning the fight if your know the tactic. Eg counter then attack then straight away attack. With Age of pirates it can be difficult sometimes. Hopefully the next pirates game to come out would be a mix of sid miers pirates & the hand to hand combat in age of pirates.
Other Helpful Reviews for Age of Pirates: Caribbean Tales
What I like most about these games is the sailing. I mean real sailing, where using patience and maneuvering is what gets you victory. When you start a game of Age of Pirates, half the options are about the level of si... Read Full Review
If you were a fan of Pirates Of The Carribean, i strongly recommend you buy this game, it works the same way as before (nearly) but this time it enables you to do more stuff in the game. Its merley a copy of Pirates O... Read Full Review