The possibility to randomize the worlds you embark to conquer make this title the best in the series, Full of wonder !

User Rating: 7 | Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic PC

I have played the other titles in the series as well. And while the game mechanics and the atmosphere always appealed to me, I deeply missed the opportunity to let the world be randomized. This stand-alone expasion to AOW2 features just that which makes it, IMHO, the best game of the series and the only one which will bring you back, if any.

When it comes to exploring a fantasy world with its caves (actually a huge underground tunnel system), the outer worlds (a kind of paralell dimension), it monster dens, towers, magic nodes, enemy cities, mines, and so forth, it is just dozen times the fun never to know what might be coming around the corner.

Besides this key fact, the game plays out very well. Send your heroes around, let them fight and explore and gain levels. Train units, build houses, research new spells. The game resembles Master of Magic, but is a bit more streamlined and refined and focusses as much on exploration than on empire managment.

The graphics are very richly illustrated, which makes this game feel very oldschool in terms of RPG.

Another good thing are is the combat system. As soon as an encounter takes place, the game switches to a tactical combat view where order your troops aound, letting them move, attack, cast spells etc. A very nice features which adds on more level of strategic depth to the game.

great game
