You like Fantasy RPGs? Turn-based strategy games? Then this game is for you.
The setting is a classic fantasy setting, with elves, dwarves, orcs and undeads. There's a total of 12 races to choose from, each with their own units, advantages, disadvantages and strategies. Unlike most turn-based strategy games, this one offers the unique feature of allowing all players to play their turns simultaneously. But if you prefer, you can also use a classic turn-based mode. You also control heroes in this game, which have customizeable stats and abilities. You can also give them various weapons and armors, and they can also learn powerful spells.
The graphics were great for their time, and the music is extremely catchy. Also, all units features a brief story that explains it's role amongst the race it belongs too, and why it serves it. This really adds a lot to the game, and reading each units descriptions is really fun! And finally, the game features a map editor, so you can create your own maps, and download several other from the Internet.
Overall, Age of Wonders is one of my favorite strategy games, especially of the turn-based genre. If you can find it in stores(I don't think it'll be very expensive), I suggest you buy it. It's worth it!