If you want to play a Mini that will keep you entertained,then this is the game for you to play...
The game is basically about a professor who sends zombies back in time to destroy mankind,and you go back to save mankind by destroying every single zombie excisting.
Also there are some cool Boss fights that you will face during the game.And there are many diffarent levels you play in,like egypt,china,etc.
Also there are many weapons to use,like the Pistol,SMG,Shotgun,Chaingun,Grenades,BOOM(Grenade Launcher) & Mines.
There is also very easy controls in this game,you press Triangle,Square,Circle & (X) to face each direction and when you face a direction the bullets of your weapon come out of the way you are facing.
And the game is very short and would only take 1 or 2 hours,mabie less,it depends how good you are at shooting zombies,and if your good it will be a piece of cake,but if not then,it may take a bit longer...
Story Line:9.0/10