...has been forgotten to long time in the shadows. It should been pulled up immediately to the surface and the lights...

User Rating: 8.9 | Agony AMI
‘Agony’ is a shoot-em-up game that has been forgotten to long time in the shadows. It should been pulled up immediately to the surface and the lights and showed to all people how perfect+ the graphics and the music are in this game. I give all the credits to the developers ‘Art & Magic’ and the musician ‘The demon, Nuke, Mantronix, 4Mat, Tip, Tim Wright, Franck Sauer, Jeroen Tel’ (if I forget someone I apologies).

The gameplay in the game are to hard I think and that brings the score down little bit, but still ‘Agony’ gets a very good value because it has this perfect+ feeling with graphics and music in the game.

I would like to see more of this from you all. There are a lot of fire in all of your works and together It burns better and better.
;D /Marq