‘Agony’ is a shoot-em-up game that has been forgotten to long time in the shadows. It should been pulled up immediately to the surface and the lights and showed to all people how perfect+ the graphics and the music are in this game. I give all the credits to the developers ‘Art & Magic’ and the musician ‘The demon, Nuke, Mantronix, 4Mat, Tip, Tim Wright, Franck Sauer, Jeroen Tel’ (if I forget someone I apologies).
The gameplay in the game are to hard I think and that brings the score down little bit, but still ‘Agony’ gets a very good value because it has this perfect+ feeling with graphics and music in the game.
I would like to see more of this from you all. There are a lot of fire in all of your works and together It burns better and better. ;D /Marq
Psygnosis always had a reputation for releasing artistically pleasing games and Agony certainly was the pinnacle among them. And just like other games they released such as Shadow of the Beast and Awesome it was (and rem... Read Full Review