Horrendous server queue times of up to 2 or more hours before you can log into broke this game for me.
NCSoft does setup new servers but offers no way of transferring your character. I already started a new character on a new server that now starts to get overcrowded as well and therefore queuing times start to grow again.
If you want or have to play during prime times like me, because work and family doesn't allow you to play for example early in the morning, this has to be considered when you think about buying this game.
The quests sometimes are fun but most of them lack diversity. Most of the time it is just kill 5 of that and kill 10 of this. This counts especially for the quests that come after you left the starting island.
Graphics are overall nice. However some textures look very blocky if you come too close.
Sound is repetitive and can sometimes be nerve wrecking especially if you are in crowded areas. This is for example the case in crafting areas. The machines and the player characters play sound samples every time a player crafts something. If you have a room with 40 players in it you can imagine what that might mean.
The in game items like weapons and armor look nice but lack diversity. For example, the last character I played was a Kantor using stave's, but unfortunately for a level 12 Kantor are only 2 or 3 stave's available that are really fitting for his level. The other stave's available where all way below or above his level.
The crafting system in the game is not exactly what one would expect from a modern MMORPG. It runs like this: Gather resources, go to a crafting table, select the recipe and amount of items to craft and wait till the crafting is done. If you do big amounts, like it happens if you craft boards from logs you gathered you may have to wait several minutes depending on the amount you have chosen just sitting in front of your monitor having nothing to do than watch. This not very exciting to say the least.