When first Ace Combat hit the shelves in 95 no one could predict what massive success the series will be.
I won't judge graphics because the game was published over 13 years ago. The music in this game is almost absent. I can remember a few tunes from every Ace Combat game expect this one.
In addition to that the controls are simply broken. I have finished every single AC game on Ace difficulty without any problems. And yet the mission in the desert in Air Combat almost made me cry. AC is known for its intensive action, fast and hard turning aircraft. The first game was nothing like it. The planes are slow, extremely slow turning. Mig31 feels in air like a thrown rock. AC is known for its great storylines. You won't find anything like this in the first game. You just go from one mission to another, with only short briefing. Through the whole game you don't know why the war broke lose and what's the purpose behind your enemy movements.
This game can be fun for the long time fans of the franchise. Other people should stay away from it as far as possible.