Air Combat is most likely my favorite game of all time!
The intro is too perfect to describe! Once you see it, it may change your life!
Also, don't forget about the music. All of the tracks are unbelievable!
A map will appear at the beginning in the beginning. Now you can select your mission. Until you get to Mission 5, you'll have more than one choice. At the beginning, you will have a limited amount of planes to start off will. The number of planes you have are your lives. After each mission, your plane will fly as you get your money. After Mission 3, you can choose a wingman to do various tasks. Each one has different experience, and the pay is depended on it.
So, let's get to the gameplay. It is superb! It may be a little repetitive, but your mission will make up for it. The graphics were amazing, during the PlayStation Era.
There are more than 20 missions in the game, and each one is unique.
As you advance toward the game, the missions become a little more challenging, either being a good or frustrating thing. At the end of the game, an even more memorable clip of credits come to fascinate you.
Overall, Air Combat, or now known as Ace Combat, is a game for any fan of the series or planes should have in their collection. I have many of the other Ace Combat games because of this one.
Gameplay: 10
Graphics: 8.5
Sound: 9
Music: 10
Tilt: 10
Credits (Opening and End): 10
Overall: 10