This is a great title and should certainly be in the collection of any flight game fan.
User Rating: 9 | Ace Combat PS
This game was my very first video game. I loved it then and I still like it now. I have been playing this game for years. With its low price tag ( sells it for $2.99), this game should be in any flight game fans collection. The game's story is rather simple and straight-forward throughout. You are an elite mercenary fighter pilot hired by a country to fight off attacking terrorist forces. You do this in a series of levels with a number of jets at your disposal. You start off with a few older planes (like the Vietnam-era F4 Phantom), but towards the end of the game, you will be flying aircraft so advanced that they have yet to be deployed. The combat in the game takes place in ravines, over deserts, and islands with standard missiles (which each plane carries in abundance) that don't seem to track targets very well. This however adds to the intensity of the game as you cannot simply fire away from any angle. You also have guns for in close combat. The combat is purely action-oriented, so don't expect a hardcore flight sim. The controls are pick up and play oriented depending on your preference. My personal favorite is the advanced setting in which pushing left or right rolls the aircraft in that direction whereas the easy mode turns the aircraft in that direction. My preference allows for more precision movements and is easier for me than the simple turning mode. One of the best things to get for this game is a flight stick. I can't remember who made mine, so you are on your own to find one, but if you like the game enough, you can probably find one on ebay or something for a low price. The graphics are of course, very bad by today's standards, but when I first got the game, they were enough to make my jaw drop. Sound effects are not bad, but at the same time, they aren't anything to scream about. You will hear a few voiceovers throughout the game. They aren't the best and really just a few words each, with the exception of the pre-mission briefings, which describe in detail the mission situation. Keep in mind that I rated this game based on when it came out, by todays standard, it would fare alot worse, so keep that in mind. But regardless, if you have even the slightest interest in flight games pick this one up, as it was a big step for flight games.