God i havent played this game in so long. Well can you blame me i beat it 3 times.Yeah it was too short and very easy but the concept was nice maybe they will make a sequal airblade 2 the next generation wiht a hover bike or hove roller skates.Either way this was oen of the very first ps2 titles and the very first bargin bin classeic for the ps2.Either way if you have some downtime and manage to come across airblade at a yard sale grab it and play it its really good for what it is.Hey regardless of the age rating this is good for youngesters theres no guns or curses like tony hawk but futuristic ma.
Beautiful graphics, cool boards and greatly made boarders, get the heck outta the way hawk....this game rules. Airblade is an awesome game that seems to take off in the direction of tony hawk but has some greater ideas..... Read Full Review
Here is the story. Our character Ethan, his friend Oscar works for the big bad GCP corporation, and invents a hoverboard that can leave fossil fuels obsolete. The GCP agents bust into Oscar's house and capture him and in... Read Full Review