One fo the better realse titles for the ps2 but people thought this game was too hard. i bought this game when it first came out and couldnt play it, it was really tough to play but i came back to it just a few months ago and completed it in a few days which was a shock to me because i alsways thought this game was tough but i guess i just got better. The graphics were good enough for the ps2's early work but i supposed they lack finnesse. it was a good game but it just got a bit boring after a while and once you completed the sptory mode you ge a new level and nothing else really. this was a good enough game but dosent quite cut it these days comaped to tony hawks underground also it was one of the first games to use hoverboards as its main play point that uses gravity as its main difference.
i good enough game bakc then but its been lost in the bundle and definatley wont come back anytime soon. man
Beautiful graphics, cool boards and greatly made boarders, get the heck outta the way hawk....this game rules. Airblade is an awesome game that seems to take off in the direction of tony hawk but has some greater ideas..... Read Full Review
Here is the story. Our character Ethan, his friend Oscar works for the big bad GCP corporation, and invents a hoverboard that can leave fossil fuels obsolete. The GCP agents bust into Oscar's house and capture him and in... Read Full Review