To begin, the graphics. Despite what you might have read, this game sucks in graphics. They are just awfull. The xbox is much more capable than this. It just looks too grey for me. Then the sound Nothing wrong with the sound, only the annoying music is really awkward. It is a shame for Konami. Gameplay is not that bad, but it's just not very fun to play. Maybe for 5-10 mins but after that you've had it. No multiplayer, not that I want to show this game to my friends. Very dissapointing flying game. Too bad. Since I have to write more than 100 words to complete this review, I will tell some more about the storyline. Oops sorry there is none, or none that I can remember anyway.
Air Force Delta Storm is one of the first games to come out for the X Box back in two thousand. First, all I have to say is the game's graphics are amazing. The planes details and scenic details are very much eye candy. ... Read Full Review
Airforce Delta Storm is one of them games that engrosses you with hours upon hours of gameplay in huge, photorealistic maps. Missions based upon air, ground and sea keep you wanting to play more to see what the next area... Read Full Review