Worth Renting
This is my first flying game and this is a pretty good game and I might think about getting another one. Hopefully the next one I get will be worth the money. The gameplay to me was pretty fun. Its fun to be flying along and all of a sudden get the MISSL ALERT put on your screen. Then your just pitching to the right and going down. I really like the missles and how real they were. You couldnt just shoot off a missle and have it automatically lock on to it from a milke away. It was pretty real.
The graphics are the best part of the game. The plane textures are great and you can actually tell what the things are that you are shooting at from a distance away. The water is great too. Its good to actually see how close you are than to think your far away from the water and then all of a sudden crash into it. The missles are great too.
The sound is pretty good but not the best. The worst thing about this game is the music. It gets so annoying!!!! It's horrible to be flying along with techno music blasting. I mean, anything other than techno. The guns sound great, the missles sound great, but the techno ruins it.
Overall, this game is worth renting. If this is your first time playing a flighing game go ahead and buy this. If you are a verteran of them, pass this game.