Old-school side scroller with a japanese twist
-Wacky, fun and exciting
-Old-school style gameplay
-Those insane moments where the screen is full of colours and enemies like -WTFbro
-Something different
-Difficulty increases as you work your way through the campaign
Bad Points
-Short campaign
-Can see people getting bored quickly
-Not a big variety on characters, weapons, vehicles
This is one of those old school style side scrolling shooters, its got the up-beat music and the intense Japanese art and voices going on as you would expect but surprisingly its not too much. i bought this game out of the blue and i am not disapointed. Admittedly you can complete the campaign on this game in one sitting and not going to lie im not too sure what the story is about or if there even is one! But did i have fun playing it? **** YEA! its got the funky enemy designs which just fill your screen up not to mention the few hundred bullets you get on the screen at one time having to dart around dodging like a madman! The player you are (as far as i can tell) in a plane and you are in a war against the people using the Blood Katanas and its your job to stop them; or something along those lines, you spend each level fighting wave after wave of enemies until you get to a big enemy then waves again and then its boss battle time this tends to repeat for about 6 stages, sounds repetitive i know but believe me it does suck you in. I know if you have actually read this review you must be thinking "hes made this sound awful" but i really hope i haven't because this game was alot of fun theres online score modes to keep you replaying stages, 3 different characters each with 3 different specials and a total of 6/7 bosses i believe. This might be a short game but it will be one worth having on your shelf for those times you want a quick little **** about game. Has split screen aswell which ive not done but sounds like a hell of a lot of fun.
Good game but only for the right price
Hopefully this review helps out and actually makes some kind of sense