So much promise = too much disappointment.
It's not that the game is bad by any means, it simply doesn't create any feeling during or upon completion at all.
It didn't scare like other modern horror titles
It didn't intrigue, in my opinion.
It didn't make me happy or sad.
It just happened without much fuss or excitement.
A few pros and cons.
Graphics superb. lighting effects the best i've seen, character models, scenery all top notch.
Story is pretty good, though straight forward, (manuscript pieces will divide opinion im sure)
Combat is fun, with easy use of torch and gun combo, and pretty satisfying for a while.
Tv moments are pretty interesting if you give them a shot,
Its pretty boring, really, really repetitive.
Day time segments are a complete waste of time, could have been used so much more intelligently.
Alan Wake himself annoyed me to be honest (simply opinion)
I really didn't care much about anyone.
Not really a con, but product placement is hilarious.
I'm not going to list to many cons because i could go on all day.
I'll be honest that this one of the most dissapointing games i've played in a while, simply because it could have been way, way better.
All in all, a decent story, repetitivly told in a game that would mabye would have changed gaming 7/8 years ago when gaming was simpler.
It pains me to say that in my opinion the 6 rating is just, even though thousands will say otherwise on the board. review with an open mind.