Alan Wake is one of my top contestants for the GotY Award!
This game was long in the making, but the results are phenomenal.
This game sucked me in so much, to the point where I thought I was involved in the game itself. (Know what I mean? Sorry my English isnt that great lol...)
The Graphics are amazing, so is the story. The soundtrack gives you the rest. Its absolutley an awesome experience that should not be missed out!
The gameplay is another thing, its really really fun to play! I know how other horrors and stuff play but they are really boring to play. Evading an enemies attack in slowmotion while trying to shoot in their faces with the light and the shotgun is just unbeatable =)
There are a lot of little goodies too, like collecting 100 cans of coffee, all the pages. I even saw an easter egg while playing, at one part of the game *not gonna spoil anything* you get to a room in the house where you see an xbox, the game "Night Springs" and other stuff thats funny to look at.
I love this game so much, its innovative and exciting. Its not hard to play, but if you are like me trying really difficult stuff *like shooting 4 people at once with a shotgun - dont try it, you'll die a lot lol...* then its a challange hehe...
I might try the nightmare setting *which is the hardest* when I finished the game.
Theres only two down sides. First, you cant get all the pages if you dont play on the nightmare setting which I think is a disapointment but I guess that makes people wanting to play it again. The second part is the length of the game. It is pretty short considering the ammount of years they had to make it. Therefore theres like no glitches or something like that and the graphics are just amazing.
2 months or so ago, the ps3 got their awesome exclusive titled heavy rain. I beat that game aswell, and now I gotta say, its the xbox's turn with Alan Wake and they are both just as awesome.
Congrats Remedy, you just made one of the top contestants for the GotY award! =) *atleast for me*
Get this game, you wont regret it ^.^