dont let the classification stop you from playing or buying this game. i dont even exactlly kno how long this game was since i got it i been playing it pretty much nonstop and from the begining to end i was sitting up staring into the game lol yea its not the perfect game but it had me hooked no lie ending was a lil confusing but i heard there gonna have alot of downloadable contend an the first one is gonna be free if u buy the game brand new and im curious on whats gonna be on that episode. the game does have fair share of creepyness and im not gonna lie i did jump alot alot granted i played real close to the tv and lights out and sound blasted lol to some ppl using the light and gun to kill peeps it may get repitive but to me it wasnt because sometimes its hard to take them out when theres like 4 or 5 ppl right there and u gotta shine the darkness off them. not only is the gameplay really good but the story is amazing no lie, also the graphics is AWESOME!!!!!
Alan Wake is an action thriller played from a third person perspective by Remedy, the developers that originally made a name for themselves with the Max Payne games.. Alan Wake is a successful thriller fiction novelist b... Read Full Review
Nou doubt that Alan Wake is Great game the Atmosphere is over the Top the gameplay and the combat solid and strong and the Sound and Voice Acting are definitly amazing !!! in this game you play as Famous Writer named Al... Read Full Review