Alan Wake is an amazing game with few flaws!
User Rating: 9.5 | Alan Wake X360
Alan Wake is a great game that outdoes it self with the story telling and gameplay. Although there are a few flaws, the rest of the game easily overcomes them. Let me start with the good. The game is scary, not Dead Space scary, but still a scary game that doesnt revolve around blood and gore. Now, as the game goes on the scare level goes down. The first level/episode was by far the scariest when your stuck in a cabin and you hear the demon saying die die die die. But, as the game goes on you eventuly grow use to the takens(the demons) strange voice and random aperances in the dark. The gameplay is outstanding! Although it looks alittle complicated with the flashlight and all, you quickly grasp the flawless controls. The story is amazing and has many twists that will keep you on the edge of your seat throughout the game while listening to Alan Wake direct in the background as if a book. Then theres the manuscript pages which you can find in houses and in the forest. For me, the M. pages were bitter sweet because they told what was about to happen which takes the surprise out of some things but at the same time play in great with the story and gives you a greater understanding of what happened. There are also other thing for achivment hunters and for those who just wanna take a break from the actual game. You will find tvs which you can watch the show night springs on, radios where you can listen to music/this dude talk, and you can find cofe thermoses throughout(finding all of these will give you an achivment). The graphics are awesome ecsept for peoples lip movement. Then ugh, theres the ending which pretty much leaves you hanging until next summer for DLC. So if you don't have xbox live, your screwed unless they put the last episodes on a disc in stores which they really should. All in all, i had a blast and a few good scares playing this game(which i got the SCL of (:) and i highly recomend it!