Remedy Studios has made another instant classic, this is a must play for any survival horror fan and so far best of 2010

User Rating: 10 | Alan Wake X360
Alan Wake is a totally revolutionary game that changes the Survival Horror genre and put it as something new and fresh.

Remedy studios has made an amazing cast of characters and a new gameplay mechanic, the atmosphere is intense and very scary


the main plot of Alan Wake is that he goes away on vacation because he needs to get away from new york because he is attracted by the media and Paparazzi and his fans, Alice his wife suggested they would go on a vacation in a little town called Bright Falls, but the unthinkable happens (play the game to learn more) *SPOILER ALERT* there is a huge twist at the end of the game, Alan Wake soon finds himself in a car crash while Alice is kidnapped by the darkness and Alan doesn't remember a thing he finds manuscripts to help him along with the story.


Alan Wake's gameplay consists of a 3rd person action horror shooter, the atmosphere is creepy and suits the game perfectly, the main enemies in the game are the darkness, they can be anything around you in your environment, the darkness can posses people, cars, trucks, bridges anything that's in your way

the most interesting part of the gameplay is with the flash light note that most survival horror games (unless you played Luigi's Mansion) don't use a flash light as a weapon but in Alan Wake it is used to eliminate the dark forces that surround you, how it works is that you point and aim at the foe or truck hold it down until the little circle is cleared, there are also different weapons in the game like Flash Bangs,Flares, semi automatic shotguns, soft pump shotguns and rifles.

Sound Design & Graphics & story

okay this is where it break down to the good parts,

Voice acting 10/10
because of how much potential in the characters like Alan Wake, Barry and Sarah

Atmosphere 10/10

creepy, horrific, it sometimes makes you jump at some parts that you wouldn't even expect

Graphics 9/10

So far i think these are great graphics for this kind of game

Story 10/10

Possibly one of the best story for a game i have ever played ever since Zelda Ocarina Of Time, because it draws you into the experience and the characters them selves and you want to know what happens next and you never want to put the controller down until you started.

Bad Sides

Camera angles are kind of sluggish
story mode is short you can beat it in about 2 days but there is room for downloadable content for more episodes

so overall i give this game a 10 out of 10 because of its creepy atmosphere amazing story and visuals and voice acting

this is a must buy if you are a fan of Remedy or someone that is looking for a great survival horror