A great story with and great atmosphere but a bit repetitive.
The story is great. I didn't really find anything wrong with it. It was confusing at first but after you start progressing you'll understand it better. The narration is a nice touch as well. For example, if you go the wrong way, Alan will begin to narrate as if it was already written that you would go that way. At the same time it was an instruction on how to get to where you were going.
Now here's what I didn't like. The manuscript pages broke the suspense for me. it pretty much tells you what's going to happen soon. Yes it's part of the plot but I wished it wasn't so descriptive.
Combat was ok but got repetitive. Every enemy was the same except for the runners. The only difference then would be their size and how much light was needed before you blew them away into fine dust. The objects that would come at you were pretty easy to dodge and became predictable since they were all of the same type.
Driving sequences could ave been better. It would have nice to have been able to shoot while driving.
Graphics were not what I expected but weren't bad either.
But over all it was a decent game.