Alan Wake : The Memorable Moments

User Rating: 10 | Alan Wake X360
Let me just get to the point here. This game is a 10 out of 10 in my book. This game frightens, makes you twitchy, jumpy, and perspire just a bit in the hands. Not only does it bring the fear factor element that Resident Evil was lacking this year, but it delivers a story inspired from some of the best stuff that could have been found in the early days of the Twilight Zone/Alfred Hitchcock (you know when the writing was good, and you had to use some imagination). This game, this journey, takes you, and makes you feel like you are the character. Alan Wake consumes you, and brings you right into Bright Falls.

Now you might be asking yourself, "What makes this game so great?" Well, besides the obvious way that it makes your tilt you head as if you are looking around the bend of a building, and expecting something to jump out at you, or if you are walking through the forest ........... S L O W L Y only because there is no light to protect you, and you are down on your ammo, and you're thinking to yourself "OMG I hope nothing comes out cause I don't have enough ammo!!", and then"They" come out!!! This game has it all, great control scheme, good camera angle, great story line, and most importantly its "Memorable Moments."

If you haven't bought the game, acquired the game, borrowed the game (I would never lend mine out to anyone cause I hate when people scratch my $#@& up), rented the game, then you need to go and get it, then come back and read this, because we need to talk about this game!!!! So here it is, the moments that make this one of the most under-rated games period. "Under-rated?!?!?!?" I know that this game received an 8.5, or B+, or whatever you have read, and those aren't bad grades to bring home to Mom and Dad, but this deserves nothing less than a 9.5, and here's why.

Memorable Moments

Without giving the story away, lets just talk about how no character in the story line is safe. Just when you are getting to know them, or you think that you are going to like them, POOF!!!!! They're gone!!! In some ways it's gut wrenching, because you find these manuscript pages, and see their demise before it actually happens to them. It may not sink in at first, because you haven't been introduced to the character yet, so the page that you read 20 minutes ago may not register until its to late. After the the first instance you become more aware, and start to pay attention.

While the game, and story are good this is isn't where those memorable moments of the game play are. No my friends they with you, The Player. The moments lie with every time you almost dropped that controller cause you freaked out a little when on of the "Taken" pops out around a random corner, and is taking a swing at you with a pick axe. Or its when you hear "Taking Omega 3 is good for your heart", and there is a "Taken" coming at you with a chainsaw, and at that moment you are hit from behind by another "Taken" with a big hunting knife trying to take out your heart without anaesthetic.

Another awesome and memorable moment is when you get your first flare gun, and you take out 3 "Taken" at one time, or the first time you throw that "flash bang grenade", and everything on the screen disappeared, and you're like "WHOA, I need some more of these!!!!!" Another awesome memorable moment is when you realize that you can reload your battery, and gun while throwing a flare at the "Taken" all at the same time, and notice that you aren't panicking all that much anymore. Another memorable moment is as you are running through the game, randomly you are almost smashed by a free falling tugboat, train car, or car. It's when you know that you are pissing the "Darkness" off, and you are thinking "Hell ya bring it on!!!!!"

A personal moment for me was when my wife was playing the game, and I was teaching her how to use the flashlight on those possessed flying barrels. After she had grasped the controls, and ran into her first "Taken", I told her "Babe you need to go into that shed, there could be some ammo in there!". But by the time I had said that, and looked back at her, she was already freaked out, and she said, err shouted,"I DON'T WANNA GO IN THERE!!!". I pleaded with her to go in, but she could barely hold the controller cause she was freaked out by the darkness in the game. It was just one of those things you would have had to been there to truly understand how awesome, and funny that was all at the same time.

In conclusion the experience of this game is a memorable moment, and how you chose to play it makes those moments more self satisfying. The story is told so well that it absorbs you completely, and messes with your psyche a bit. It leaves you asking, "Is Alan Wake crazy? Is he a killer lost in some sort of psychotic break down? Or is there something more to this place than meets the eye?" However your thinking process perceives this story, this game to be, just remember that this journey promises to be more than just a memorable moment, it is a memorable experience.