I'm going to find it difficult to go back to games with no substance after Alan Wake.

User Rating: 8.5 | Alan Wake X360
It's true I was dragged into the hype involving the prequel mini-series 'Brightfalls', but I'm glad I was. I loved Lost, Twin Peaks, Blair Witch and Twilight Zone, some of its obvious influences. To me it was a no-brainer because of this. I presumed the combat would be kind of Silent Hill(ish), but thankfully it's leagues ahead, and actually fun. To say I was on 'edge' for most all of the dark forest bits was an understatement, I was praying for a glimpse of light to run to. It empowers you with an air of vulnerability, and not invincibility. I felt like an average Joe, and not a Master Chief, which makes you feel more for the protagonist, as you are all he has...oh and his flashlight.
People complain about the in game advertising, but it does add an element of everyday life to the world. Although, I'm not sure about the big Verizon billboards in the middle of nowhere!
It was book-like in that I couldn't put it down until I reached the end of the chapter, and that I was also sad to see it end.
Play it alone and with the lights off, and enjoy the ride!