"The Signal" takes Alan Wake into a dark, strange, and dangerous place the main game never did.

User Rating: 9 | Alan Wake: The Signal X360
********* Alan Wake main game spoilers ahead *************


- Harder, better enemy encounters.
- Interesting twists on new and old locations of bright falls.
- Most tense chapter of Alan wake.


- Some enemy encounters feel cheap.
- Blatant advertising.
- Doesn't contribute very much to the story (yet).

The first special feature "the Signal" takes places directly after the credits of the main game. Last time we saw Alan it was at the bottom of the cauldron lake finishing his novel "Departure". The story told in this DLC is unlike anything we have seen from the original game. I don't want to ruin the surprise but the things that happen in this DLC out strange just about everything that happened in the main game.

There is a lot more tension in this episode also, there are points in this DLC that throw more at you then you can really manage which doesn't happen much during the main game. At one point I gave up trying to clear the area of enemies and made a mad dash toward the light for safe haven. There is a point in the DLC that also takes your flashlight, your most valued tool, and makes it work against you, there are a lot of moments in "The Signal" that twist the world and give the player new exciting experiences they've never had before. At times though possessed objects become a real big nuisance and some of those encounters feel less hard and more cheap. Remedy took many peoples concerns about the main game and fixed them in this DLC. "The Signal" contains harder and more memorable encounters than the majority of the full game.

In summary "The Signal" is an experience I would recommend to any Alan Wake fan.