While the game may start out slow, it becomes rather addictive fast.
The story is sub-par, while not ground breaking, it still pulled me in. I especially liked the way they gave each character their own personality, and Barry's was indeed the best.He was a little bit of comic relief, and sort of reminded me of Joe Pesci. The music in the game was equally enjoyable. It was a bit scary at times,with the sound effects of the demons, or rattling of the objects, which burst out in unsuspecting moments.
The gameplay is also very well implemented. It makes you feel like you are in control of a normal person,who isn't capable of super human feats,or able to resist all types of attacks. He gets tired from a few feet of sprinting, which may be annoying,but represents that of a normal person. The aiming is pretty easy, and the weapons aren't over powering. They also put things like coffee thermoses as collectables, for achievement hounds like myself. Driving may be the only downfall when it comes to the actual controls of the game. They aren't awful,but a tad bit unresponsive. You really don't spend much time in vehicles in the game anyways, so it isn't really a issue. It is much better than the driving in Alone in the Dark,that's for sure!
I think a lot of critics were a bit harsh on this game. I know it was hyped up a lot, but I think it lived up to it's expectations. This game gives you a great gaming experience, and unlike a lot of games, doesn't fizzle out halfway through. I give Alan Wake a 9.0, and I can't wait for more DLC to come out. Thank you Remedy!